Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dope Rider Collection in "Awaiting the Collapse"

My book Awaiting the Collapse has just been published by Tanibis Editions, in both French and English. I just got my shipment of English-language copies today. It is a hardcover book, 152 pages, measuring 9.75" x 12.5". As always, Tanibis has produced a magnificent volume with fine attention to detail.

The book contains all my old Dope Riders, plus the one I did for High Times' 40th anniversary issue that got the series restarted. Altogether 41 pages of Dope Rider, the art fully restored and recolored. Episodes that were published in black and white have been colored for this anthology.

Also in the book are the best of my Screw covers, some of my Heavy Metal stories, and a previously unpublished story I did a few years ago.

Also a lengthy afterword by me attempting to explain my life and work.

You can buy a signed copy of the book from me through Amazon or you may buy it directly from me for $32, post-paid. I'll try to spam-proof my email address: pkirchner [aa tt] comcast [dd oo tt] net. (If I get a torrent of spam I'll know this didn't work.)


Back Cover (an illustration I did for the New York Times in 1976):

Early Dope Rider adventure, newly colored:

A Screw cover:
A page from my unpublished story, "Arena":


  1. Wow, this looks amazing. I am definitely adding this to my holiday wish list and will be getting it for myself if no one else does!

    I look forward to seeing the last Dope Rider strip from the original run in color, it's one of my favorites

    1. Thanks much! I think you'll like it. Sometime in the future there will be a dedicated Dope Rider anthology, but it doesn't seem to make sense to do that until I've wrapped up the strip. I'd want such an anthology to be complete.

    2. I completely understand; I would want it to be complete as well. In any case, I look forward to seeing other work by you in this book. I have been meaning to check out The Bus for a while now ever since I saw some strips posted online.

      If High Times or someone asked you to do a longer Dope Rider piece, say something nearing the length of a standard comic book, would you have any ideas for story or in your opinion does the strip only work in shorter installments? I think a Dope Rider one-shot comic book could work as the story is only as important as the art and I think you could do some really interesting things with a longer format, more room for the interesting layouts and jokes you do so well. I've been loving the one-pagers you've been doing since the revival in High Times' 40th Anniversary issue but the four-pagers from the original run were wonderful as well. Your strip is really the only reason I buy High Times anymore (also the recipes).

      Anyways, hope your new year is off to a good start

    3. Haha--thanks much. It would take me forever to come up with an idea worthy of a full-length Dope Rider comic book and then forever x 2 to illustrate it. (The idea always takes me a lot longer than the execution.)

      The new Dope Riders are definitely different in feel from the old ones. I've changed over the years and the magazine's needs have changed. I'm just happy to be doing it again.

  2. Happy to see youre back at it because im a new reader. Ran across your comic strips by chance, theyre very entertaining. Id love to see some original signed artwork in your store. Thanks and good luck to you.

    1. Thank you. I've been selling my Dope Rider originals for $400 each to a gallery in Paris for a few years. I haven't had that many inquiries from people in the US, or when I do and they hear my price I don't get a response. High Times pays me pretty well considering how little comics pays these days, but it's only by selling the originals that I can get anything close to a reasonable compensation for the time I put in. Fortunately, I love doing it in any case.
