Sunday, September 15, 2024

High Times Magazine, 1974 - 2024, R.I.P.

This past July my art director at High Times informed me that the magazine was ceasing publication.  This was sad news for several reasons. For one, this is the 50th year of High Times and I looked forward to perhaps doing a longer strip in its 50th anniversary issue, which would have been November 2024. Also, I will no longer have the deadline and paycheck that motivated me to get a Dope Rider strip out every month for the past 10 years. (You wouldn't believe how motivating those two things are!) 

Since my 2022 collection, Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium, I've done an additional 46 strips. In order to get another book out, I need 64. I have ideas for two long Dope Rider stories, six or eight pages, and I'll probably think of a third. Having to work within a single page has limited the sorts of stories I could tell, so I'm excited about doing some more complex tales. I have a few more High Times one-pagers I'll be putting up at this site on a monthly basis.

As far as supporting myself while I work out longer stories and raising funds to get another collection published, I may look into the Go Fund Me or Patreon options.

It's been a great trip. Thanks for joining me on it.

1 comment:

  1. Well damn. Even though I knew it was coming, it's still a bummer to see High Times close up shop of their magazine publishing. I know we're in a "digital age" but I still love physical media.

    What a long, strange trip it's been! I'm down to keep it going for a while longer, I will definitely be signing up for the Patreon!
