All the 1970s - 80s Dope Riders, along with other of my comics, are in my anthology Awaiting the Collapse. The comics I've done from 2015 through 2020 are in my new anthology, A Fistful of Delirium. Both are available at If you'd like to purchase Dope Rider merchandise, I’ve opened shops on some on-line stores. I have a Dope Rider shop at Red Bubble and have a Dope Rider Store at Your patronage is most appreciated!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Dope Rider, "Party"

This Dope Rider strip came about through a different process than I normally use. Usually, I first think of a strong visual and build the story around it. In this case, the idea came first. I've found that it's important to my sense of well-being not to admit too many negative influences into my mind, whether from entertainment, the news media, or even people I know who tend to be negative, and I wanted to construct a story based on this thought. I couldn't say much about this concept without getting too wordy and not very entertaining. However, I think the page is redeemed by showing as attendees at the TEOTWAWKI* party every character, major or minor, who has ever appeared in a previous strip.

*The End Of The World As We Know It.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome notion, end-of-the-world parties. I love how the top of the building appears to be propped up by a ladder while dude does the masonry of the bottom of the building. Far out!
