All the 1970s - 80s Dope Riders, along with other of my comics, are in my anthology Awaiting the Collapse. The comics I've done from 2015 through 2020 are in my new anthology, A Fistful of Delirium. Both are available at If you'd like to purchase Dope Rider merchandise, I’ve opened shops on some on-line stores. I have a Dope Rider shop at Red Bubble and have a Dope Rider Store at Your patronage is most appreciated!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Best Graphic Novels Depicting the Psychedelic Experience

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Ben Fox, who has created a site,, to give readers the on-line experience of wandering the aisles of a favorite bookstore. In addition, it enables authors to connect directly with readers and tell a little about themselves, their featured book, and other books that they like. 

Here's how it works. From the books I have done, I selected my collection of comics, Dope Rider: A Fistful of Delirium, to feature. I identified its theme as "a visual depiction of the psychedelic experience." I then selected five other graphic novels I believe have best accomplished that, and described why I liked them. Three out of the five make no reference to drugs, but have art of unparalleled trippiness.

Of course, I could only pick five, it's subjective, and there are many such books I haven't seen. Unfortunately, Kris Kool is out of print but an English translation can be downloaded as a pdf here:

In case you're interested, here is more about the Shepherd project:

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