All the 1970s - 80s Dope Riders, along with other of my comics, are in my anthology Awaiting the Collapse. The comics I've done from 2015 through 2020 are in my new anthology, A Fistful of Delirium. Both are available at If you'd like to purchase Dope Rider merchandise, I’ve opened shops on some on-line stores. I have a Dope Rider shop at Red Bubble and have a Dope Rider Store at Your patronage is most appreciated!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Dope Rider, "Dance"


You never know where you'll get an idea. In this case, I was inspired by a post I saw of page done by Gene Colan (see below). I liked the swirliness of it. I wanted to do something with that energy. The idea of having Dope Rider dance with a marijuana leaf popped into my head. I did a Google image search of all different ways people dance, picked a variety, and recreated them in pencil with our hero and his leaf. I scanned the sketches and organized them into a design on Photoshop layers. I then printed it out, traced it onto the Strathmore paper I use, and inked it in my old-school manner. The most obscure of the musical references is Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You" (1994), but I like the song and thought the title worked.

1 comment:

  1. Let us know when you get your Patreon up and running, inquiring minds want to know!
