All the 1970s - 80s Dope Riders, along with other of my comics, are in my anthology Awaiting the Collapse. The comics I've done from 2015 through 2020 are in my new anthology, A Fistful of Delirium. Both are available at If you'd like to purchase Dope Rider merchandise, I’ve opened shops on some on-line stores. I have a Dope Rider shop at Red Bubble and have a Dope Rider Store at Your patronage is most appreciated!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

My Birthday

When you're a kid, you look forward to birthdays. They represent progress. Then, after you're 28 or so, you no longer look forward to them much, unless you plan to run for president at 35. Then you get into your 60s and think, "Hey, Medicare pretty soon. Sweet!" That was last year for me. Yesterday I turned 66--yay! Social Security! My first steady paycheck in 16 years!

What's next? I understand that when you turn 100 you can get a shout-out on the Today show and an autopen-signed letter from the president.

As a present, my daughter Toni did a portrait of me surrounded by the character I created. I've never rendered Doper Rider's sidekick Dilly this well.


  1. Happy Birthday, I hope the Dope Rider is not planning retirement too soon, as long as he rides, there's still hope!
